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Understanding CSS3 in Web Development
In this course you will learn to work with different CSS3 properties in developing a website, understanding CSS syntaxes and formatting HTML elements.
Who is this course?
This course is for anybody from no knowledge of CSS to advanced knowledge of CSS.
Module 1 - Introduction
Module 2 - Getting Started with CSS
4OverviewBrief overview of the module. You will learn; 1. How to install the software to use 2. how to set up a CSS environment 3. Basics of CSS and website layout
5Software/tools to use for CSS
6Installation of the text-editorInstalling Sublime text.
7Setting-up a CSS environment
8Basics of CSSThings you should know about CSS.
9Website Layout
Module 3 - Adding CSS in an HTML file
Module 4 - CSS Syntaxes and Properties
15OverviewOverview of the module. You will get to learn; - how CSS syntaxes looks - some CSS properties - basic CSS declarations - CSS selectors and values
16CSS syntaxes
17CSS propertiesBasic CSS properties like; - Text properties - Font properties - Border properties - Link properties
18Basic declarations of CSS
19SelectorsYou will learn the different selectors in CSS; - Type selectors - Class selectors - Id selectors - Group selectors
Module 5 - Colors
Module 6 - Text/Font Styling
28OverviewAn overview of this module, you will learn; - the difference between text and font - properties to format a text - properties to format fonts
29Differences between text and font
30Text formattingWe will be working with properties like; - text-decoration - text-align - text-transform - text-overflow - letter-spacing - word-wrap
31Font formattingWe will talk about; - font-family - font-style
32font-variant and font-weight propertiesYou will learn how to work with - font-variant - font-weight
33font-size propertyYou will learn to use font-size property using; - pixels (px) - em - % - combination of em and %
Module 7 - Styling and More CSS Properties
35OverviewYou will be learning - List styling and the properties to style a list - Table styling and properties to style a table - Link styling and properties to style a link - CSS comments
36List stylingWe will talk about the properties used in styling a list like; List-style-type List-style-position List-style-image List-style
37Table styling - borderWe will be styling the border of a table
38Table styling - sizeLearn to either increase or decrease the size of a table.
39Table styling - alignmentYou will be learning how to align the data in a table.
40Table styling - appearanceYou will learn how to change the way a table appears or looks
41Link styling using color propertyYou will be learning to style the different link states using the color property.
42Link styling using text-decoration propertyStyling the different link states using the underline value of the text-decoration property
43Link styling using background-color propertyYou will learn to specify a background-color for a link.
44CSS commentsLearn to work with comments in CSS.
Module 8 - Box Model
46OverviewOverview of the module. We will be discussing about; - Box model - Margin, Border, and Padding properties - Height and Width properties - Overflow property
47What box model means
48Margin propertiesYou will learn how to work with the different margin properties for the different sides of a box or an element..
49Margin shorthand propertyWorking with the margin shorthand property.
50Border-style propertyYou will learn how to work with border-style property and the different values.
51Border-width propertyYou will learn to work with border-width property using pixel values, % values and predefined names
52Border-color propertyLearn to style a border using the border-color property.
53Border shorthand propertyLearn to use the border shorthand property to style the color, width, and style of a border.
54Padding propertyWorking with padding properties.
55Height and Width properties
56Min-width and max-width propertiesLearn to use the min-width and max-width property to style a box.
57Min-height and max-height properties
58Overflow propertyworking with overflow property values like; - scroll - visible - hidden - auto
Module 9 - Position_Float_Clear Properties
60OverviewYou will learn to work with; - position property - float property - clear property
61Position property - static
62Position property - relative
63Position property – absoluteLearn to work with absolute value of the position property
64Position property - fixed
65Float propertyLearn to float elements to different sides of a webpage or a container.
66Side by side float
67Clear property
Module 10 - Background
69OverviewOverview of the module. You will learn to work with properties like; - Background-color - Background-image - Background-repeat - Background-attachment - Background-position - Background shorthand
70Background-color property
71Background-image property
72Background-repeat propertyYou will learn to work values like; - repeat - repeat-x - repeat-y - no repeat
73Background-attachment propertyWe will be discussing background-attachment values like; - fixed - scroll
74Background-position property
75Background shorthand propertyYou will learn to use one property to specify the values of the five different background properties.
Module 11 - Advanced CSS
77OverviewIn this module you will learn how to use some advanced properties like; - Rounded corners - Border image - Pseudo classes - Pseudo elements - Buttons - Pagination
78Rounded cornersYou will be learning to give rounded corners to an element on a webpage.
79Border-imageYou will learn how to specify an image as the border of an element.
80Pseudo classes
81Pseudo elements
82Pseudo elements and CSS classesYou will be learning how to combine pseudo elements and CSS classes, pseudo classes and CSS classes.
83ButtonsWe will be discussing how to style buttons in an HTML document using different properties.
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